The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him
(St. John 4:23).
A message from the Pastor
Our goal in Connersville is to be faithful to the tradition which brought the truth of Christ to generations of American Christians. We seek to build an embassy of Christ’s love by providing an ordered way of life which encourages community and solidarity in exchange for nihilism, materialism, and despair. There is work to be done and incredible challenges to be overcome, but we take solace in St. Paul’s words to the first Roman church plant: ‘…if Christ be for us, who can be against us?’

We are a living example of the Scriptural Church. Through the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer, the Anglican Christian can hold in his hands the very way to everlasting life.
This rule of faith is our heritage; the new heaven and earth is our home.

Service Schedule
Catechism (Christian Education)
Sunday 9:45 a.m.
Morning Service
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Evening Prayer
Sunday 4:00 p.m.
Daily Office (30 minute prayer services)
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Bible Study
Join us in the sanctuary: 6:30 p.m.

Home Schoolers Welcome
The raising and discipling of young, immortal souls is the most important work of every generation, and our church stands as a ready and fully committed ally for those who have sacrificed so much for the little children our Lord so greatly loves. Talk to our pastor about opportunities for prayer, workshops, and cooperative learning.

Latest Updates

The First Sunday in Lent 2025
Our Lord certainly felt these mighty temptations; He truly is hungry, in fact He is starving, and all He has to do is obey Satan, and He will eat and be comfortable (the highest good of our fallen world), but here again, Jesus is faced with the same questions which so many church shoppers and churchgoers are faced with today: are the promises and sacraments of God enough, or do we need God to prove His love through miracles on demand? If God leads us to testing and conflict, will we turn on Him and demand proof that he loves us—a proof greater than the adoption sealed in our baptism? Jesus answers, ‘No,’ and so He suffers because suffering for the truth is what it means to be God’s Son in this evil world; suffering for the truth is what we ask for when we claim the baptism which separates us from the world as sons and daughters of God—marking us forever as combatants in the war between good and evil. We may not want this fight, and if so, we know where the door is, but don’t think our great enemy will accept our surrender so easily; he knows where we live, and he glories in our pain and misery. Jesus, weak and vulnerable in the sinful wilderness of Adam’s making, leans on His Father’s holy promises; He leans on the truth, and in that moment, as in all moments, it is more than enough.
Sermon Date: March 9, 2025
Passage: Matthew 4
Catechism Class (2/2/25)
Question. May it not seem then, that our forgiving of men should deserve pardon of God : or be as a certain recompense made unto God? Answer. Not so. For then should not God’s forgiveness be freely given : neither had Christ alone upon the Cross fully paid the...
Catechism Class (1/19/25)
Question. Is there any other cause why thou callest it thy Bread? Answer. By this word we are put in mind that we ought to get our living with our labour, or by other lawful means, and that being therewith contented, we do never by covetousness or fraud seek any thing...
Catechism Class (1/12/25)
Question. Now thou hast well answered touching the first part of the Lord’s Prayer, which part containeth these three points that belong only to the glory of God. I think it good for us to go forward to the second part, which properly concerneth things profitable for...