The Parish Church of Connersville, Indiana

Worship the Living God

Come unto me, all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you  

(St. Matthew 11:28).

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Welcome to Trinity

Since 1549, Anglican Christians have worshipped God with the prayers you will be hearing today. Presidents and plowmen, kings and factory workers, princesses and milk-maids have gathered together to humble themselves before the King of Kings with the ancient Christian liturgy translated into the English tongue.

Our worship is very participatory: every man, woman, and child joins with the priest in making the loving sacrifice of himself in humble imitation of Christ’s loving sacrifice of Himself for the world. There will be chanting, group prayers, Bible readings, a sermon, all leading us to the great climax of the Christian life: the chance for fallen men and women to feast in the throne room of heaven, to be united to the real presence of our Creator God through the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Try as you can to move in the service’s prayerful rhythms of confession, praise, and thanksgiving, but do remember, it is always ok to sit and let the divine drama of salvation-history wash over you. There is nothing more important in our lives than the worship of the God who has given us everything: the more we embrace this truth, the more we will be ready for the new world even now breaking through the madness and shame of this dying age.

Our every breath is counted, let us make those breaths count; join us as we drown out the black noise of evil with the defiant harmony of faith, hope, and love. Let us do it together.

To worship at an Anglican service is to pray the Bible

Here is a link to many of the Scriptural references found in our service: The Scriptural Book of Common Prayer


Children at Trinity.

Our goal is to incorporate our children into every aspect of parish worship and life. We want their earliest memories to be imbued with the full sensory experience of worship together. Children are lovingly invited to our services to participate in the rhythms of the liturgy. In practice, this means that the sounds of children – ranging from laughter to cries – are viewed not as distractions, but reminders that we are all called to be as little children. Our children are not future members in training, but rather full members in the present: embraced, accepted, and joyfully welcomed into our corporate worship.

This also means that we seek to create a Christian culture that engages and envelopes our families – a culture that radiates outward from the altar that we share on Sunday. Trinity Anglican seeks to create opportunities both formal and informal for celebrating the rhythms of the church calendar together, outside of Sundays, with fun, food and fellowship. This means both encouraging rituals families can practice together at home and gathering as a congregation to share in traditions of the church year.

Receiving Holy Communion at Trinity.

Visitors who are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and already admitted to Holy Communion in their own churches are invited to receive the Sacrament in faith, repentance, and charity. To receive a blessing, non-communicants are invited to kneel at the altar rail and cross their arms over their chest.

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