The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him
(St. John 4:23).
A message from the Pastor
Our goal in Connersville is to be faithful to the tradition which brought the truth of Christ to generations of American Christians. We seek to build an embassy of Christ’s love by providing an ordered way of life which encourages community and solidarity in exchange for nihilism, materialism, and despair. There is work to be done and incredible challenges to be overcome, but we take solace in St. Paul’s words to the first Roman church plant: ‘…if Christ be for us, who can be against us?’
We are a living example of the Scriptural Church. Through the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer, the Anglican Christian can hold in his hands the very way to everlasting life.
This rule of faith is our heritage; the new heaven and earth is our home.
Service Schedule
Catechism (Christian Education)
Sunday 9:45 a.m.
Morning Service
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Evening Prayer
Sunday 4:00 p.m.
Daily Office (30 minute prayer services)
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Bible Study
Join us in the sanctuary: 6:30 p.m.
Home Schoolers Welcome
The raising and discipling of young, immortal souls is the most important work of every generation, and our church stands as a ready and fully committed ally for those who have sacrificed so much for the little children our Lord so greatly loves. Talk to our pastor about opportunities for prayer, workshops, and cooperative learning.
Latest Updates
The Second Sunday after Christmas 2025
Abraham was called by God to be a father despite being an old man with no children. He was a man with no future; a grim casualty of a world made cruel and twisted by humanity’s failure to rise above our shared slavery to sin and death. It would be hard to imagine someone less likely to be called out of our world to be the father of many nations than Abraham. In fact, it might seem like a cruel, cosmic joke for God to command Abraham to take his barren wife Sarah away from the only family they had to become strangers in a strange land: a land filled with warlords and child sacrifice, pain and betrayal. But of course, we are meant to see in Abraham’s unsuitability and peril the shimmering outline of our own calling into the family of God. For without Christ, what future do you and I have? We can try to rage and fight against the darkness or become its pathetic servant, but no amount of anger or groveling will hold back the darkness: it is as futile as screaming at a sunset. No, we too must, ‘…get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee. (Genesis 12:1). Abraham is our father because we are of the chosen, but he was also our father in sharing with us the desperate need to be delivered, and so he is our father when we leave the familiar lands of sin and death to journey to the promised land Jesus Christ has built with His true heart and loving obedience. God’s unmerited mercy on Abraham is our story; it is the beginning of how we and our children will make it home alive—how we will fill the mansions of the new heaven and earth with the holy family death can no longer rip away from us. We need not scream at the sunset if we know the Son will rise and never set.
Sermon Date: January 5, 2025
Passage: Romans 4
Catechism 1/5/25
Question. What followeth? Answer. That God’s will be done. For it is the duty of children to frame their life according to the will of their fathers, and not contrarywise the parents to conform themselves to the will of their children. Scripture References: Psalm...
Catechism Class (12/29/24)
Question. Go forward. Answer: Secondly, we pray that God’s kingdom come, that is, that he suffer not the divine truth of his word ( and Gospel of Christ ) whereby he reigneth in good and godly men’s hearts, to lie hidden in darkness ; but that it daily more and...
Catechism Class (12/22/24)
Question. This then so happy a beginning, and entry of Prayer being now opened unto us, go to, rehearse me the first Petition. Answer. First, we pray that God’s name be hallowed. Question. What meaneth that? Answer. Nothing else, but that the name of God be made known...