Trinity Rectory has been receiving some much needed repairs. To start, we are having the exterior wood siding repaired and painted. This hadn’t been done in many years and was affecting the overall health of the structure. It was built at the same time as the church (1859) but was converted to a parish hall in the 1960s. It will now serve a dual purpose as both rectory and parish hall. We truly want to make it an embassy of Christian hospitality and love with coffee hours, Bible studies, soup dinners, and more all happening in the parish home.
Here are some photos of the exterior work after one coat of paint, and some photos of the untouched interior. The kitchen is spacious enough to provide parish meals, and even includes a large griddle, perfect for pancake suppers. The other photos are of the main room downstairs which is generous and which will be a lovely place to gather with our parish family.