The Parish Church of Connersville, Indiana

Question. Is there any other cause why thou callest it thy Bread?
Answer. By this word we are put in mind that we ought to get our living with our labour, or by other lawful means, and that being therewith contented, we do never by covetousness or fraud seek any thing of other men’s.
Scripture References: Gen. 3:19; Eph. 4:18; 2 Thess. 3:8, 10-12

Question. Seeing God biddeth us to get our living by our own labour, why dost thou ask bread of him?
Answer. Because that in vain shall we waste all the course of our life in toil of body, and travail of mind, unless it please God to prosper our endeavours.
Scripture References: Psalm 127:1; 1 Cor. 3:7

Question: Thinkest thou that rich men also, which have flowing plenty, and store of all things, must daily crave bread of God?
Answer. In vain shall we have plenty of all things, unless God by his grace do make the use of them healthful to us for the maintenance of our life.  For which cause, even after Supper, we pray to have the daily meat, which we have already received, to be given us of God :  that is to say, to be made lifeful & healthful to us.
Scripture References: Deut. 8:3; Psalm 34:9-10 and 78:29-30; Luke 1:5, 3:4, and 12:15; 1 Tim. 6:17; Rev. 3:17

Question: Why be added these words Daily, and this Day?
Answer. That we avoiding all careful covetousness, and doing diligently our duty, should daily crave of our most liberal Father that, which he is ready daily to give us.
Scripture References: Matt. 6:25, 34; Luke 10:41; Phil. 4:6; 1 Tim. 6:9-10; 2 Pet. 5:7