The Parish Church of Connersville, Indiana

Question. How many parts hath the Lord’s Prayer?
Answer. It containeth six :  or as some divide it, seven petitions, but in the whole there are but two parts.  Whereof the first belongeth only to the Glory of God, and containeth the three former Petitions:  the second, which containeth the three or four latter Petitions, belongeth properly to our commodity and profit.

Question. Why dost thou speak so directly unto God in thy prayer, saying, Our Father?
Answer. For that, I speak not as to one absent, or deaf :  but I call upon God our Father, and pray to him as to one that is present, being surely perswaded that he heareth me when I pray ;  For else in vain should I crave his help.
Scripture References: Psalm 33:13-14, 34:15, 17-18, 94:9-11, 139:1-2, and 145:18-19

Question. Let us somewhat diligently examine every word.  Why dost thou call God Father?
Answer. Since sure trust of obtaining is the foundation of right praying, as hath before been declared :  it was God’s will that we should call on him by the sweetest name of Father :  that we might have boldness to go unto him and in hope of his help, even as children do use to deal with their Father :  yea, and with far better hope than any Children can have of their natural Father, how much God our Heavenly Father, in ability, goodness and readiness to help us exceedeth all earthly Fathers. Scripture References: Math. 22:21-22; Mark 11:22-24; John 16:23-24; Heb. 10:19, 22-23; James 1:6-7; Rom. 8:15-16; Gal. 4:6; Math. 7:7, 11; Luke 12:9, 13

Question. What else doth the name of Father teach us?
Answer. That we come to prayer with that love, reverence, and obedience, which is due to the heavenly father from his children, and that we have such mind, as becometh the children of God. Scripture References: Malachi 4:6; Math. 26:39, 42